
Globocentric: A focus, view or conceptualization of the world or world issues from a multi-cultural perspective derived from a conflation of mutually exclusive cultural notions. For example, "The challenge of Climate Change requires a globocentric approach." That means every cultural perspective (not just that of the major powers) must be considered equally important in efforts to find/implement solutions.

"Globo" (Latin word for Globe) + "Centric" (Central or Focus)

Difference between Global and Globocentric.

The two words are sometimes wrongly applied interchangeably to specifically describe economic globalism and Marxism-related concepts. However, the word "global" has a "eurocentric" connotation due to the high degree to which western values influence and dominate the majority of other cultures across the world. On the other hand, Globocentric is about equality and inclusiveness of all perspectives into one. K.A. Kuzmenko in a 2019 Russian publication: "Professional Education in the Modern World", uses the word globocentrism in contrast with ethnocentrism. Sociology Professor Helmuth Berking, of TU Darmstadt, Germany., is a strong critic of “Globocentrism,” as, in his view, is the increasing homogenization of the world through "Globalization". Other scholars have also used the word synonymously with "Globalization". However, this Marxist interpretation of the word by anti-Marxist scholars is not to be misconstrued as the actual meaning of the word.

Globocentric.com is an alternative common sense information source with an aim to balance predominantly occidental perspectives with other cultural views on global issues. This platform is also for editors who wish to respecfully challenge or respond to false mainstream narratives - big money research, junk science, phoney statistics and/or politically correct falacies. Join us to tell the other side of the story.

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Alternative theorists, anti-monolithism, anti-agenda, anti-conspiracy, anti-racism, anavaphobic, anti-classism, anti-imperialism, to mention a few...

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